Effect of soy protein isolate incorporation on quality characteristics and shelf-life of buffalo meat emulsion sausage (2025)

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. 2010 Jul 29;47(3):290–294. doi: 10.1007/s13197-010-0045-x


Incorporation of soy protein isolate (SPI) at 0, 15, and 25% levels in buffalo meat was investigated for production, quality and shelf life evaluation of emulsion sausage (ES). Quality of ES was evaluated by pH, moisture content, thiobarbituric acid (TBA) number, total plate count (TPC), and Yeast and mold count, sensory, characteristics and instrumental colour and texture measurements. It was found that pH and moisture content were slightly affected, TBA number remained unaffected. TPC of ES fresh sample was found in the range 3.7–4.3 log cfu/g. ES was acceptable to the panelists and incorporation of SPI did not affect the acceptability. SPI incorporation increased Hunter L and b values but decreased a value and instrumental hardness. During storage (0°C), L, a, b values fl uctuated irregularly. It was concluded that incorporation of SPI slightly improved texture, juiciness and colour of emulsion sausage.

Keywords: Buffalo meat, Soy protein isolate, Emulsion sausage, Thiobarbituric acid value, Total plate count, Shelf-life

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Effect of soy protein isolate incorporation on quality characteristics and shelf-life of buffalo meat emulsion sausage (2025)
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